Hey peeps, trust you are doing fine? Well I had the most wonderful first 2 days of the week in God’s presence. Haven spent Sunday exclusively with God in the church, I had a day off on Monday so it was me and God alone again on Monday. The tranquility was so beautiful… Anyways, I want to get into a series but I honestly do not know how many parts the Holy Spirit will take us on it but it’s burning in my spirit and here’s the first.
I will be dealing with some counter attack weapons which God’s word has placed at our disposal. You know, I see a lot of pains, sicknesses and things going on in this fallen world – while some are meant to be that way so that God can manifest Himself, it breaks my heart and it gets me. I often consider why a Christian should tolerate it. We observe every other safety measures in the world like it’s the real thing but we do not apply the word of God consistently enough.
Let’s consider this first password:
“From now on, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.”
– Galatians 6:17
My sister was complaining of a stomach ache some days ago and she said she already took some medicine but the ache still persisted, I asked her, have you applied the password? It got to me there and then that so many things we go through as believers (big or minor) is because we tolerate them.
The word of the Lord said you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. What truth does Galatians 6:17 holds if not the fact that as a child of God, you cannot be troubled.
Therefore, even if it is true that it is inevitable not to go through hard times in this world, as a soldier of Christ, I cannot condone it! There are too many truths in the word of God for me to just sit back and let sickness, failure and the likes have a jolly good ride on me, I cannot tolerate it because I know that the verse above assures me that from the time I accept Jesus as my Lord, nothing, no one has the right to trouble me anymore. The sentence is a command, you can check the verse above again!
My first argument in this our series is that we sit back and tolerate too much as believers, its time to get unfriendly with our adversary, the devil and act swiftly and strictly, like the military. Whatever it is that does not bear the mark of Jesus in your life has got to go! Period!
Also they say, prevention is better than cure, why not begin to speak the word before trouble shows up. Confess this word by the spirit and let the Holy Spirit take care of the rest. You are meant to walk in victory and Christ did it all for you, by His stripes, receive healing today in Jesus name – amen.
Thank you for reading, have you been blessed? please share with us by liking and commenting. Stay blessed!
[…] Yesterday, I gave my first argument but today I beg to replace that word with conviction. My second conviction in this our series is that God’s word is God’s will and God’s will is the same thing as His wish. Therefore, the wish of God for us is to prosper and be in good health even as our soul prosper. (It’s important for the soul to prosper but that’s another day’s topic). […]
[…] Yesterday, I gave my first argument but today I beg to replace that word with conviction. My second conviction in this our series is that God’s word is God’s will and God’s will is the same thing as His wish. Therefore, the wish of God for us is to prosper and be in good health even as our soul prosper. (It’s important for the soul to prosper but that’s another day’s topic). […]
Thanks for dis,bein ridin in d Woprd for sometime now,but depression came and I fell,wit dis..I’m ridin back to God’s Word! Thanks
Thanks for dis,bein ridin in d Woprd for sometime now,but depression came and I fell,wit dis..I’m ridin back to God’s Word! Thanks
I,m glad to hear this, and as you read it, may the word become Rhema to you in Jesus name – amen
I,m glad to hear this, and as you read it, may the word become Rhema to you in Jesus name – amen