“If the Son sets you free, then you will be really free.”
– John 8:36


Humans, to a large extent cannot live without some form of believe. Some believe in science, idols, others in riches and achievement but the most fulfilled of humans are those who believe in God.

Because we are often subjected to some form of authority figure, we are bound by principles, rituals and rites, rules that if not observed, can bring about unfavorable consequences.

Jesus said He came that we may have life and have it abundantly, He came and removed the boundaries of the old law and gave us liberty in Him, assuring us that His yoke is light. Therefore, I strongly believe, it is only the belief in Jesus, the son of the living God that sets one free. Every other form of belief keeps one in bondage.

Some Christians however do not realize the dominion they possess, therefore, they live a passive Christian life. God does not want this for us because He is full of wonders and He wants to glorify Himself in our lives.

Joyce Meyer puts it this way;

“Since God didn’t create us to live in bondage of any kind, we can experience liberty – freedom to enjoy all that God has given us in Christ. He has given us life, and our goal should be to enjoy it.
“But in my life, I know that I can’t just wish to be free. I have to take action. It is necessary for me to obey God’s Word and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. It means that I can’t just hear or read the Word to get results, but I also need to do what it says.
“Are you enjoying freedom in your life? I pray that God will encourage you to seek after the freedom that is yours in Jesus.
“Because He died on the cross to set us free from the power of sin, you and I can be free from every problem in life.
“Freedom is yours, now step out and take it. Follow the Holy Spirit and be free to enjoy all that God has for you in Christ Jesus.” – Culled from Joyce Meyer’s Promises For Your Everyday Life
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