“Arise, get you to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded a widow there to sustain you.”
– 1Kings 17:9

"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts - Isaiah 59:9
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts – Isaiah 59:9

God had made a provision in the life of someone close to me a little while back but right now, the provision seems not to be able to sustain this friend anymore because once again, he seems to be going through stern times.

He said to me, “but God knew what I was going through when He provided this thing for me, why is it that it is not sustaining me any longer?”

“you need to understand God’s mathematics” I replied, then I took him into 1Kings 17. (Please take time to read the whole chapter).

🙂 🙂 🙂

God specifically told Elijah to go to Brook Cherith. We were not told the numbers of days before God appeared to Elijah but who knows, Elijah may have spent several days at the brook hungry before God came to him with instruction. Did God not know the brook will dry up after a while? Of course He knew but He also needed to provide for a widow in Zarephath sometimes in the future. Elijah couldn’t have gone straight to Zarephath because the timing would have been wrong. God was waiting till she exhausted her food supply, then he will send Elijah to save the day. Thereby feeding Elijah, the woman and her son, also, bringing her to the knowledge of God by saving her child from death.

See, you’ve got to realize it’s not about you but it is about God. God has got great plans for you but He needs to use you as a point of blessing to others, hence, He will take you through some lessons so that you can help lift someone else up.

Remember, Elijah just left Brook Cherith were God defiled the law of nature and made a bird that was suppose to take food to her babies, take the food to Elijah instead. Haven seen such, of course, Elijah’s faith will be strengthened enough to know God will provide for him again in Zarephath. Little wonder he told the woman not to be afraid.

Remember also, we do not look on the things that are seen so both success and failure are temporary, we look on those which are not seen. As a result we press on towards the goal forgetting the things that are behind and reaching for greater glory.

Even the wisdom of the Greeks in arithmetics cannot fathom it, only those with the understanding of God’s will can, therefore, let God work His mathematics!

Thank you for reading, have you been blessed? please share with us by liking and commenting. Stay blessed!


  1. HE is faithful and His Word is true..long as we can always run back to the fact that Jesus bought us back with His blood to God to REIGN as kings and priests…note..a” kingdom system Child”….has abundance..and whatever situation we find ourselves..is to the Glory of God..sure ..PSALM 27verse 13..I know that I will live to see
    the LORD’s goodness in this present life.
    14 Trust in the LORD.
    Have faith, do not despair.
    Trust in the LORD.
    God bless His Word!

  2. HE is faithful and His Word is true..long as we can always run back to the fact that Jesus bought us back with His blood to God to REIGN as kings and priests…note..a” kingdom system Child”….has abundance..and whatever situation we find ourselves..is to the Glory of God..sure ..PSALM 27verse 13..I know that I will live to see
    the LORD’s goodness in this present life.
    14 Trust in the LORD.
    Have faith, do not despair.
    Trust in the LORD.
    God bless His Word!

  3. HE is faithful and His Word is true..long as we can always run back to the fact that Jesus bought us back with His blood to God to REIGN as kings and priests…note..a” kingdom system Child”….has abundance..and whatever situation we find ourselves..is to the Glory of God..sure ..PSALM 27verse 13..I know that I will live to see
    the LORD’s goodness in this present life.
    14 Trust in the LORD.
    Have faith, do not despair.
    Trust in the LORD.
    God bless His Word!

  4. HE is faithful and His Word is true..long as we can always run back to the fact that Jesus bought us back with His blood to God to REIGN as kings and priests…note..a” kingdom system Child”….has abundance..and whatever situation we find ourselves..is to the Glory of God..sure ..PSALM 27verse 13..I know that I will live to see
    the LORD’s goodness in this present life.
    14 Trust in the LORD.
    Have faith, do not despair.
    Trust in the LORD.
    God bless His Word!


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