“In front of the Tent the king worshipped the LORD by offering sacrifices on the bronze altar; he had a thousand animals killed and burned whole on it.”
– 2 Chronicles 1:6 [GNT]

It’s very interesting to note that the bible does not exaggerate, it is always precise and so also is its application.

The verse above says Solomon went up to the tent of meeting and offered a thousand burnt offerings to the Lord.

What has this got to do with the principle of success you ask? Well, follow me.

First let’s look at the numbers of offerings. To burn just one burnt offering will require a sheep, woods, fire and an altar, now how many sheep, how many fire, and how many times will the altar be prapared in order to burn a thousand? Can you see that there is a very serious commitment of time, resources and energy? Yes, such is required for success.

Secondly, let’s take a look at sacrifice. Sacrifice means doing something with no expectation of reward. Solomon went through all the trouble of burning a thousand burnt offerings with commitment in worship to God and did not expect a reward. He saw it as what was required, a duty that he must fulfil. Until we have the mind of adding value to our neighbour in such a way that it glorifies the name of God, you may not be fulfilling destiny, you may just be going through life surviving. God’s plan for us is not just to survive but to live in fulfilment of His plan and purpose.

Our selfish nature makes us chase after winds all in search of “greener pastures,” but until you are adding value to lives, no one will be willing to put down substance (money etc) in exchange for what you have to offer.

That’s why before you are being offered a job, you go through interviews to justify your credibility and as soon as it is discovered that you are not credible the answer will be: “we will get back to you.”

We discovered that although Solomon was not expecting anything in return for his thousand sacrifices, that night God appeared to him and rewarded him handsomely but that is a story for another episode however, it is worthy to note that just like Solomon’s thousand offerings, your credibility will be tested by numbers of trials; some, if not most, will not be palatable, but if you follow through with it, reward is inevitable.

I will like to end with this saying:

“Nobody really cares until they know how much you care.”

– Written by Alex Amos

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