For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, And do not return there, But water the earth, And make it bring forth and bud, That it may give seed to the sower And bread to the eater,

So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” – Isaiah 55:10-11

It’s a fact that when you plant a seed, you have to water it so that it may grow. When a seed is planted, nothing appears on the surface but if you keep watering that spot, soon, a bud will appear and if you keep nurturing the bud, a full plant will soon grow out of the bud and inevitable harvest is just around the corner.

This is how the word of God is. Often times, I have said it that you are a creator, in the likeness of your maker. The words that a Christian speaks have the power to take form and manifest but it has to be backed with power – dunamis.

What do I mean by power? I mean the authority with which God used to create the world and everything else, the spirit of God. God has given that to you, it’s left for you to use it or continue doubting.

A farmer does not plant a seed then go back every morning to uproot the seed so that he can ascertain that the seed is growing, oh no! He just has to have faith in the theory that the death of a seed is the beginning of the life of a plant. If he keeps removing it from the ground, then the seed cannot grow.

You don’t speak God’s word and then go back to check if the word will work or not. You just speak and believe, leave the logic of manifestation to God… C’mon, you gatta let God do His work!

The story is told of a man who read the chapter of the Bible where Jesus said you can command a mountain to move with a little faith as that of a mustard seed. He then spoke the word to a mountain close to where he resides, went home and returned the next morning to find the mountain still rooted to its position. Not surprised by the outcome, the man shook his head saying “I knew it!”

He already concluded in his mind that it wasn’t going to work, but decided to test the waters. Faith is not a thing of trial and error, it teaches you how to depend on God that once the word is spoken, it takes on life and that’s that!


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