I have never seen a movie that  took me almost a week to get over the character’s mishap like Tyler Perry’s “Temptation.” If I was to get into the writer’s mind from a subjective point of view, I’d say the Judith (Jurnee Smollett-Bell) had no problem in her marriage until she started to picture one!


You know just like Eve in the garden of Eden, the serpent came to paint pictures of what Eve was missing out on for her, although they were living in peace, Eve started to see what she could obtain by eating the forbidden fruit, she ate it and lost everything! This is similar to the character of Jurnee Smollett-Bell in this movie who fell prey to the “devil” in the red car

Objectively, acclaimed Playwright, Tyler Perry’s “Temptation” is a must-see film for adult Christians. Yes, it does portray mature subject matter (no nudity; sex scenes are silhouetted or screened with steam or low light), but the film’s message rings loud and clear. We need to divorce-proof our marriages, we need to pay attention to our spouses and significant others, and above all, we must be on guard against the wiles of the enemy! (Ephesians 6:11; Proverbs 4:23; Matthew 26:41; Ephesians 5:25-33; Colossians 3:19). We must turn the tide on protecting our marriages! Will a movie cure the divorce rate—NO! But it does open the door to having real, extended conversations with our spouses about what it means to be “very happily married.” Dating singles, this is your movie, too. You will just need to be on guard for your own temptation triggers.

Our heroine is Judith (Jurnee Smollett-Bell), a nice young country girl who marries childhood sweetheart Brice (Lance Gross) and moves away with him to the big, bad world of Washington, D.C., with the dream of one day becoming a marriage counsellor. For the time being, she is working for a high-end dating service and has designed a compatibility quiz that, to hear everyone talk about it, is perhaps the single most revolutionary document to come along in the personal relationship industry since the legendary Massey Pre-Nup.

This questionnaire catches the interest of Harley (Robbie Jones), a potential new client for the firm who is described as “the third biggest social media inventor since Zuckerberg.” He asks Judith to use her insight into the human condition to help put together a software program with the power of a thousand “Cosmo” quizzes. Oh yeah, Harley is also filthy rich and extra-hunky and before long, it becomes clear that his interest in Judith is more than professional, especially when he learn that Brice is the only man she has ever been with.

At first, Judith declines his suave advances — she loves her husband and, as for that other stuff, “I watch HBO — I know I’m not missing anything” — but his charms eventually begin to win her over, especially when it becomes clear that Brice is taking her for granted and no longer pays her the attention she deserves. Finally, while on a business trip to New Orleans, Harley takes advantage of her and afterwards she vows never to see him again, while perhaps silently promising herself to add Cinemax to her cable package.

But, of course, she can’t get enough of him, so she embarks on the inevitable downward spiral of sex, drugs and wild parties, most of which are conveyed largely by osmosis in order to conform to the parameters of the PG-13 rating. Both Brice and her mother (Ella Joyce), a preacher with a few dark secrets of her own, try to rescue her from what her mother considers to be Harley’s satanic influence but it is to no avail.

Directed by Tyler Perry, Starring Jurnee Smollett-Bell, Vanessa Williams, Brandy Norwood, Kim Kardashian, Ella Joyce, Jerry Stiller and more.

Watch the trailer for temptation below



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