For more than a dozen years, ’BISI has been a consistent worship leader who ministers with a rare verve under the grace of God. He has been privileged to minister in diverse platforms, such as The Kingdom Life World Conference of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM) and Metathesis, The Worship Team of Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke Crusade- Ogun State Nigeria, Rhema Chapel International Churches Yaba Lagos, Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) Ogun State Chapter, Living Faith Church (P.U.S.S.H), Testify Praise Blast, Harvesters of Souls Ministry, to mention a few.
He is a song writer, who has featured in few album projects. He has been blessed with an album in the gospel music industry titled “Come to Me”. His latest single “Baba Alaanu mi”, meaning “My Merciful Father”, has continued to bless many. The essence of his music is to proclaim the Worship of Jesus Christ and bring Hope with Comfort to all people.
Presently, he coordinates the Praise Team at The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM) Abeokuta, (the South-West Bishop seat). He also gets involve in youth development and mentoring. OluwaloniBISI is the President of Oak Music Foundation, an outreach that gives support to the less privilege, organizes Extreme Heart of Worship, and Music Ministers’ Conference. More also, he is the official Praise Captain for Testify Praise Foundation, a Christian Media, and Praise Outreach. His desires are to live a lifestyle of worship and make Jesus known to the people as he leads them to worship God with the manifestation of Holy Ghost and power.
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Twitter: @Oluwalonibc
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