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Bible News: Spiritual Success, Good Success & The Parallel Line | Part 2


If you remain in me and my words remain in you, then you will ask for anything you wish, and you shall have it.” – John 15:7

Yesterday we shared on the importance of the “book of revelation” as instructed in Joshua 1:8, we shall take this a step further today.

Jesus Christ spent about 3 chapters of the book of John weaving spiritual success and good success together. From John 14, He started to talk about the importance of believing and took it steps further in Chapter 15 when he stressed the importance of abiding in Him.

The condition is this; if you abide in Christ and His words abide in you, you will ask for anything you desire and you will get it.

“Since I know this much, why can’t Jesus just give me what I want already!” Someone may bust out, the reason is because you are missing the whole point. You are focused on what you can get, God is focused on the process that gets it for you. That process is what build you, what matures you and what makes you desire what God desire so that you do not ask amidst.

There is a parallel line between having what we really want (the will of God) and fulfilling purpose. You can be successful at what you do but be a failure in your life. This is why celebrities and millionaires commit suicide because there is that vacuole in every man’s life only God can fill. It’s when you start abiding in Him and His words abide in you that you get to fill it – one day at a time.

Spiritual success and good success can only happen in a life that has been flooded with light which is the word of God.

– Written by Alex Amos

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