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Bible News: The Title Deed – We Have A Legal Backing


Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses].” – Hebrews 11:1 [AMP]

When God gives us a promise, He always give us a title deed that gives us legal backing for that which he has promised.

Last week, I talked about the psych-up kind of faith and said at the end that the faith which works is not mental but spiritual and the only way to lay claim on it is to have the title deed.

When God appeared to Abraham, he asked God “what will you give me seeing I go childless?” It is important we note Abraham’s expressions.

1. “What will you give me?” That is, what is in this for me. He was yet to come to the full knowledge of God’s wisdom and revelation. This is the same God that told him to leave his father’s house to a country where he will make him a nation.

2. “Seeing I go childless.” Abraham focused on the things which he saw but the bible made us understand that we do not look at the things which we see but that which we do not see. (2 Corinthians 4:18). He was confessing what was wrong instead of God’s promise.

What did God do? God gave Abraham a title deed. Genesis 15:4 said “and behold the word of the Lord came to Abraham…”

God sealed his promise to Abraham with a bond of agreement. He confirmed the promise with His word and Abraham, haven receieved the title deed believed and it was counted unto him for righteousness. This is the title deed, the word of the Lord. For every promise God has made to us, there is a bond of agreement but if you do not know the effectiveness of a legal bond, you may not understand the effectiveness of having a title deed for your faith.

John 1 said the word of God is God Himself, so God cannot deny Himself. If you have been given a visa to another country and you kept the visa at home while traveling to that country so that you did not show it at the airport, no matter how honest you are, you will not cross into that country. Think of God’s word in this same way. The word of God (which is where the title deed for any giving situation is) is what gives you access into the grace of God.

– By Alex Amos

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