Home Interviews & Features Weekend Review: New School Gospel Music Has Got A Baller!!! Gil Is...

Weekend Review: New School Gospel Music Has Got A Baller!!! Gil Is Stunting Like His Daddy


gil-christian-ballerGil is a chip of the ‘old Rocktown block’ – Just like Frank Edwards. He is stunting like his daddy. Sometime last year, the whole of Rocktown Records released a single each on the same day – an EP called “Greatness”. While others chose subtle titles like Soultune’s “Igwe,” Victor Ike’s “Living Water,” Divine’s “Born to Win” and more. Gil went with the title “We Ryde” and had an artwork that had a 67 Chevy Impala with hydraulics making it tilt to one side. That was when the young and talented artiste got my attention that there is certainly more to him than meets the eyes.

The first single I heard from the young Christian baller was the remix of Frank Edwards’ “Superstar.” While I was impressed with the work, “Thanksgiving”was the track that brought it home for me. Gil can make an urban sound transcend time such that while it is retains its characteristics of being classified under the new genre of Nigerian music which is being referred to as “Commercial Music” by Alaba boys, the music is still timeless. Come 2020, most of Gil’s songs will still be fresh in the ears of young listeners.

What’s more is that Gil makes Christian song interesting. I can be a non-believer but I’m certain “Thankgiving” and “Christian Baller” will still appeal to me. It’s like Timaya doing one of those his dedicated-to-God number but only this time, It is being done by someone who professes the Gospel full on.

Another thing is the spirit that goes with his music, either declarative or thanksgiving, no matter the level of swag, style, slang, Hip Hop which you might have in Gil’s music, it is pure unadulterated Gospel music and carries the Spirit of God with it.

Frank Edwards has got a protégé in Gil or are they just taking lessons from the same tutor? Either ways, they are stunting like God – their Daddy!

Incase you haven’t downloaded the single – Christian Baller – get it below!



Twitter: @_Giljoe


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