Home Interviews & Features Spotlight's On: Gospel According To Clay – The Punky Funky Rare Gem

Spotlight's On: Gospel According To Clay – The Punky Funky Rare Gem


ClayI must have arrived late at the party but you know what they say, better late than never. Which is why the next time this lady is performing at the nearest event, I’ll be sure to stop by. “Ogadisinma” by Clay happened to me recently but it seems the song has been out there for a while. I was exchanging alternative rock music with a friend when she asked “Hey what about our own Clay?”

I raised an eyebrow, “who’s Clay? Nigerian?”


Nooooo, I don’t want Nigerian Rock music… they’re always trying to sound like the foreign counterparts”

Well most of it. I mean, I have heard a couple of rock music made by Nigerian artistes that are quite good but the majority of them bore me out… and seriously that’s me being really modest.

“Just listen… ” she said.

So I heard Clay’s “Ogadisinma” and within minutes I was telling my friend; “okay it’s good but I think it will grow on me.”

Watch Ogadisinma

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1QV84UPj9o&w=880&h=495]

The next day was Sunday, I normally get to church earlier than most people because being the head of the media department entails that you get all equipment ready for use before the service. Haven set up for the service, I decided to serenade the air with “Ogadisinma.” The effect was miraculous! I could see the receptiveness from where I stood as people gestured to the rhythm blaring out of the speakers. It was like the tone & mood of the song lighted up the atmosphere and I saw some even singing along. I thought to myself; am I the only one who doesn’t know this song?!

To be honest, I heard alot of Evanescence, Avril Lavigne and even a bit of Shania Twain in her music but Clay is steadily carving her niche. I like the fact that she can infuse the vernacular into her lines and blend it in so much that it doesn’t stick out. Most Nigerian genres of music have had the prefix “afro” affixed to them because of this factor but Clay’s music is rock, and language is not a barrier nor determinant.

Also, there is no mediocrity in her instrumentation. The guitars on her songs are epic!

Bianca Okorocha aka Clay started singing for her local church choir at a tender age. She also danced for series of established acts. In 2009, she met Coldflames in a studio while she was recording a song with rapper Protek.

According to Clay, “Coldflames saw the talent in me and has pushed and encouraged me ever since then.”

She has been recording and still recording songs for her debut album. She has shot video for ‘Ogadisinma,” “Dancing in the Sun,” “Anwuli” and most recently “Lemanya.”

I must confess, Clay has made a fan out of me… Kudos!

Watch Lemanya

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMLjhJRfMN8?list=UUmQmAmyVKqxJbCumVRoArVA&w=854&h=510]

Watch Dancing in the Sun

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rca7rvbaHOE&w=880&h=495]

Download & Stream Clay’s music from her ReverbNation page

Photos & Videos: Clay/Youtube/ReverbNation/Instagram



Website: clayrocksu.com


-Written by Alex Amos


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