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SelahTV: Power In Jesus Name!! Watch Gripping Video As Villagers Prayed Away A Tornado In The Philippines


tornadoA small village in the Philippines has diverted a huge tornado with the power of prayer. The tornado was about to hit the village when the people gathered together and started praying instead of evacuating the location.

You can literally see the tornado varnish as the villagers prayed like their lives depended on it – their lives depended on it – calling on the name of Jesus, some speaking in tongues and cancelling the ‘spirit of death.’ Their joy knew no bounds when it completely vanished as there were shouts while someone called out “It’s a miracle! It’s gone, it’s gone!”

Watch the video below:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMM06CdPC4o&w=685&h=400]

Video: Josan Imperial/Youtube

Photo: Trending News Portal/Youtube screenshot


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