Home Interviews & Features Weekend Review: So Who's Got The Best Gospel Music Video Anyways?!

Weekend Review: So Who's Got The Best Gospel Music Video Anyways?! [Ep. 02]


Okay! It took 7 months but hey… better late than never right? The SelahAfrik “So Who’s Got The Best Gospel Music Video Anyways?” is here again. We had to wait for our artistes to drop some of the most competitive videos ever before we bring to you another episode. Now that the die is cast, let’s do this people!

Ogecha – Dumimaja

Ogecha pushed this video hard and I guess you cannot invest so much creativity and resources in a work and not want to see it live up to its potentials. “Dumimaja” remains one of the best Gospel videos to hit our screens. It is good to see that Gospel music videos are now pushing the invisible limits that used to box us. Great work of art and ministry Ogecha!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56yEDzZy8P8&w=470&h=294]


Tim Godfrey – Amen & Good day

Any of the videos would have made the list but please don’t let me restrict my choices. None of the videos – “Amen” nor “Good Day” made use of many locations but you can see the management of set as employed by the director. The wonderful works were directed by T.Frizzle. He has contributed immensely to the progress of the Gospel music videos and as we go on in this list, you will see why I said so.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mgDE8cNFjw&w=470&h=281]


Nkay – Your Love

Nkay really went outside the box and lit up a cannon with the video for “Your Love”. Shot by South African director  Tatenda Jamera – the same director for some of the best Nigerian artistes such as Iyanya, Lola Rae, to name a few. Some of the religious folks will really have a problem with this one but that will always be the case… init? Lol.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUfJaid_bDM&w=470&h=281]


Glowreeyah Braimah – God Alone

Glowreeyah Braimah’s “God Alone” was directed by T.Frizzle. The video depicted a thematic conceptualization of the title expressing the fact that all authority belongs to God. The props and costumes, the sets also supported the premise. Glowreeyah is one not to back down on excellence, you can recall that her last video for “Turn Around” also made the previous edition of this list.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXfxpvAiDm0&w=640&h=390]


Sammie Okposo – No Wahala, Only Hallelujah

Sammie Okposo’s “No Wahala, Only Hallelujah” leveraged on beautiful scenery and picture quality but what’s wrong with that if it will give us the desired result? The beautiful cars and shinning rims give you the impression of an MTV Base video… you know what an MTV Base video is yeah? Great work!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hl1N3PV7tfs&w=470&h=286]


Lara George – Love Nwatintin

This one is totally different from the Lara George we know. She released the video in celebration of her 10th year marriage anniversary, it was also accompanied with the release of the album. This is one of the videos that will also raise an eyebrow but I think our artistes are getting used to eyebrows… Lol. I love the vintage car (I know you’ll love that too) and the marching colour with Lara George’s dress.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCThGJVGzCQ&w=470&h=263]


Onos – Everything Has Changed & High

It’s T.Frizzle again! Like Tim Godfrey, any of the videos would do but why restrict choices. Set, props, costumes and camera played the major role in these videos. Onos’ costumes and that of the other characters in “High” created that whole Moulin Rouge appeal. who knew newspaper can be so appealing other than carrying boring stories most of the time… Lol. Her fashion always speaks, she’s not one to play down on that. She’s been styled by the very best such as Byge Collections, Kiki Kamanu amongst others.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKoLk-RNM4M&w=470&h=263]


Chris Shalom – You Are The Reason

This simple yet unique video was directed by Marthins Harrison. Chris Shalom also leverage on set for the appeal of the video. It’s always a beautiful thing when a song gets you and the video further does justice to that. “You are the Reason” is a song that has spread like wild fire but the video has taken it notches higher.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSTQxIK-6NY&w=470&h=286]


Segun Obe – Aka

Most people have never seen this side of Segun Obe so thank God for “Aka!” The video was directed by Ekemini Akpan & Ndubuisi Okeafor. The Choreography as juxtaposed with the set is insane good!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OThnI-9AZo0&w=470&h=281]


Jahdiel – Jara

Colourful, playful and full of life! This video shows another side of Jahdiel we don’t get to see everyday. I love that Gospel music videos have started to explore more relax themes and are still able to pass their message across. Jahdiel’s outfit in this video,  although moderate where outstanding… and her dance moves too! Simply put “Jara” is a beautiful video!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuyoCXfaUis&w=470&h=286]


-Written by Alex Amos

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  1. Jahdiel’s video has no bizz in this list, just there. Sammie’s video is pretty to look at, but seriously lacking in concept! Ogecha’s the best and seems like a mainstream video, which is good. Bcos light shines brightest in darkness. Gospel artists need to do more videos like that, you tend to reach more people that way, than sticking to the norm


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