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Bible News: Lord I Come Before Your Alter And Burn


Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” – Romans 12:1

imageIt’s really hard to fight the flesh all by yourself. Even when you feel a very strong passion to obey the Spirit, the pull of the flesh is very strong.

Paul understood this very well so much he talked about how he always ended up not doing what he really wanted to do.

This is because, nobody can by himself decide to sustain a righteous life. It is the life of Jesus in you that kills the flesh. When Jesus makes your body His abode, sin dies a natural death and you are suddenly empowered for righteous living.

Therefore, a believer who is struggling to live righteously ought not to fight sin with the physical strength else he will keep falling back into it. What you ought to do is come before the alter of God and like Paul, die daily.

You come before the alter and offer your body up your flesh as a sacrifice, holy and acceptable before God. When you surrender your flesh and it’s desires, the flesh dies on the alter of God and the spirit comes alive. The flesh does not stand a chance before God’s alter and its fire.

Pray with me; Lord I come before your alter today and I burn – Amen

– By Alex Amos

For prayer request or you just need someone to talk to, connect with Alex Amos via clairacuzzi@yahoo.com


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