What’s more is that the glory can appears in certain places where they are list expected. Like God cleansing an unworthy vessel out and filling it with his glory or drawing a whole nation, city to repentance and pouring his glory upon such city or nation.
The wonderful thing about the glory is that it is God himself presenting Himself before the eyes of men. Where the glory is, is where the manifest presence of God is. There is no telling the terrific things that will happen in such a place. People will see it, be drawn to it, will give everything for it, there will be repentance, acceptance, brokenness, healing, restoration… we will take on the nature of God and heaven!
Try to fathom that for a minute…
When Peter saw the glory, he wanted to pitch tents and lived on the mountain forever, he asked Jesus if they could make tents, when the Children of Israel saw the glory, it was too terrific in their site that they told Moses to go and speak to the Lord, that they are scared to come any closer less they be smitten. The Glory is awesome, it is terrifying as well!
But we want the Glory because it is God’s manifest presence. It is seeing God Himself but God will not appear to everyone or in every place, He will only appear to dead men!
The word of the Lord says, the whole earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God… observe the word “knowledge of the glory of God.” This means the whole earth will be aware of the glory. There will be the knowledge of the glory in the whole earth, this makes me one wonder, if there will be knowledge everywhere, could that mean the glory will be situated at a certain place from where the knowledge will cover the earth?
Take for instance power supply. There is always a station from where the power comes from and God help a man without the knowledge of the work station go into the station and tap electric current. But there is a part of the supply in your house from where you connect all the electricity that comes into your apartment. The electricity in your apartment is a part of the power supply station and it had to go through channels and regulation before it got to your house. So also God wants to channel is glory throughout the whole earth but there will be a power station where the knowledge will be disseminated from.
My question to you today is are you willing to be God’s Glory station? I mentioned earlier that only dead men can see God, therefore, God’s glory station in the form of a gathering or an individual has to die before God can use it. I am not talking about death as in physical but something inside of you that is struggling with God – The Flesh – has to die!
Let’s continue this discussion from here tomorrow…
– By Alex Amos
For prayer request or you just need someone to talk to, connect with Alex Amos via clairacuzzi@yahoo.com
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