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Bible News: The Audacity To Move – The World Is Much Bigger Than Your Village



By Pastor Paul Adefarasin


Quite a number of people I know are of the misplaced belief that they need permission from their past to leverage the opportunities that will lead to their desired future. Whereas, your future will hardly ever look like your past or even present.

Where do we start? The journey of self-discovery begins with self-location. I have to start from right here and right now. Once I figure out where I am, look back and see how I got here then I will be able to begin that journey. Wisdom here would lie in knowing when you need to leave behind the burden of your past. Indeed, there are deliberate steps you must take as you walk the path to fulfilling destiny. These steps determine whether you remain stuck in your now or make the much-desired transition into a bright future.

Proof? Take a moment to reflect on your life’s journey to date, you will realise that your achievements today are a product of impossible grandiose dreams of your past, which bore little similarities with your situation at the time. In the same vein, when you encounter people that seem to have-it-all, don’t get discouraged that your grand plans haven’t come to fruition. Always remember that the dream life they now live was once only that – an impossible dream too grandiose for anything other than fantasies.

Beware, becoming a champion and making a success of your life’s journey is not primarily about attaining lofty titles or positions, it’s simply about a deliberate effort to move forward, take action and craft out your dreams – and in doing so, inspire concomitant action from others who also desire to move, to progress. An indicator of whether you are a champion may lie in simply looking behind you to see if your actions are inspiring others behind you to dream, to move and / or to act.

Leadership, is essentially about movement. People will always tie their destinies to yours, where they see movement or progress. Whereas, people who desire positive movement in their lives, would inadvertently leave behind any leader who becomes static or stuck in inertia. Leadership is neither about age nor position, it’s an idea in motion, it’s a movement of ideals, it’s a cause worth fighting and indeed dying for, it’s the process of unravelling an envisioned dream step by step.

So what is the key to taking hold of this future? I have to let go of something to be able to grasp another. Something familiar, something I’m used to, a small pond I retreat to when I want to feel like a big fish. My comfort zone. My village…..My Past! It appears simplistic, but it’s really the only way to lay hold of God’s vision for your future. You need to let go of your past and the familiarity of your village.

Step out of your past…step out of your comfort zone….all they are good for, is to reinforce your limitations and what you cannot achieve. Decide to only walk in the light of your vision. Operate like you are already living that purposeful life, you only see in your dreams. Walk in the full possibilities of your future and not the burden of limitations your past impose on you.

Know that if you don’t walk in your dreams, you are never really going to bring them to life. As a matter of fact, until your mind walks away from your past and it’s limitations and into your future and it’s limitless possibilities, God will not release to you the resources you require to create that future. If you don’t believe this, I invite you to take a cursory stroll through the bible, you’ll find that God never used and is not interested in people who only want to operate from familiar territory. As such, until you step out from your comfort zone, you’ll be unable to access the highway that leads to your powerful destiny.

So step out of the smallness of your village and allow God fuel the fires of your dreams to propel you into the infinite possibilities of your future. Life was designed to be lived on-the-move. Progress is perpetual and if you are not moving, you are not living. Therefore, refuse to be stuck in your past or even present. Do not cleave or cling to people who can only relate with you on the platform of your past and are determined to reinforce it’s limitations. Until you kill that past and rid yourself of relationships which only seek to amplify your limitations, you cannot step into your future to possess it.

We must have faith in a future that cannot be held with physical hands but can only be grasped with our minds. To be sure, a mind that cannot live and breathe in the future, will not receive the audacity to move in action, to deliver that very future. However, if you take the bold step to begin to walk in your future, talk your future and be the individual you see in your future, each step, with ripple effect, will result in positive movement of everything required to make that future happen.

In all of this, the future is where God is taking you. He will release you into that future, when you leave the past and see yourself as he sees you. Even, if you are already successful in your own eyes, and perhaps have achieved more than any from your family or peers, it is critical to know that what God wants to do with you is much bigger than you can currently imagine. He has called you to the whole world. Thus, no matter your current achievements, where you are today is only a launchpad, not your final habitation. God made the first move by giving you a vision….showing you a picture of all He has called you to be. Now it’s your turn….your move! It’s time to walk in that vision. The moment you do, God automatically orchestrates all the resources required to fulfill vision. It all starts with that first act…one step…one phone call…one text…one email…one conversation…one visit – it must start with deliberate action on your part.


Pastor Paul Adefarasin is the senior pastor of House on the Rock Church. House On The Rock is a vibrant, multi-ethnic church, with over 7,000 worshippers on Sunday mornings and several daughter churches spread over Africa and Europe.



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