Home News & Events Muslim Student Breaks The Net To Raise Fund For Burned Churches

Muslim Student Breaks The Net To Raise Fund For Burned Churches


Group of Muslims from around the United States have come together to raise fund to rebuild burned churches in the south of the country.

CHURCH 1These churches it is believed were destroyed as an act of arson, while others were a result of natural disaster.

CNN reported that a certain 23 year-old Theology student Faatimah Knight started the campaign with some friends and aimed to raise $10,000 on LaunchGood but they surpassed the mark in just 12 hours and nearly broke the LaunchGood servers! according to the Website’s Facebook post.

The attack on blacks and churches in the South has been ongoing for a while now, CNN recorded that on June 17, Dylann Roof allegedly killed nine members of Charleston’s Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. Four days later, black churches began burning across the South.

Fatimaah Knight said she felt a certain connection with the victims that transcends religion, especially as a black person. She said “it has been a challenging time to be black in America.”

The campaign has seen an overwhelming support since it launched in early July. It has already raised more than $48,000, and with a few days left, Knight is confident they will reach their goal.

Source: CNN




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