Home Bible News Bible News: Are You Planning For A Tough Christmas?!

Bible News: Are You Planning For A Tough Christmas?!


Christmas-ShoppingHey there, I love Christmas so much and I’m always excited when it comes around. It’s my best season of the year and as it draws near again, there’s something I read recently and would love to share a thing or two about.

As Christmas draws near, a lot of people are trying to stack what they can in preparation for shopping and what have you. It has been observed that a lot of men get high blood pressure in this period because of the fear of the expenses that lies ahead.

Everyone is trying to buy clothes, foodstuff and gifts and still have enough left for outings and fun so they are anticipating the Christmas bonuses and more.

But what if I tell you that you can actually have a beautiful Christmas without the pressure?
For someone who loves Christmas and has spent some being broke, I should know a thing or two about that. Anyways, that’s not the focus. The thing is we have actually lost the meaning of Christmas so lets take a second to journey back to the first Christmas.

The most important King in the world was born, placed in a manger, wrapped in swaddling cloth. If you have observed where rams are kept in our environment – I’m not trying to say it can be as unhealthy as the ones we have around ( and it could have been) but it couldn’t have been the most healthy environment for a baby – that is where the most important King in the world was born.
Yet the shepherds, the angels, wise men, old Simeon and Anna worshipped him. Is it not for the same birth we celebrate Christmas? So how come the activities are centered around how good we look, how much fun we catch, how much good food we eat and how much money we throw around – some people will even spend 25th and 26th soaking themselves in all sorts of heartbreaking acts before God all in the name of reveling.

Christmas is about worship. While it is a good thing that the season comes with extra kindness and joy, let the joy be centered around the saviour of the whole world and if you have the salvation experience, I think you have one more reason to worship. If you haven’t had it, Christmas is a good time to take a good look at life and the reason to live for Christ. Most importantly, Christmas is a time the whole world in one voice should give the best worship because of the birth of the Saviour who takes away all sin.

So yes, show someone love this season, cook a good meal and put on a befitting outfit for the Savior but if it does not glorify God, it is not a worship unto Him and sincerely, I’m not too certain putting yourself under undue pressure is a form of worship unto Him.


Written by Alex Amos


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