Home #SelahMusic #SelahFresh: Evans Ndukwe | Ezinne

#SelahFresh: Evans Ndukwe | Ezinne [@evansndukwe]


Evans Ndukwe, EzinneEvans Ndukwe is out with “Ezinne”.

Chizurum Evans Okwara Ndukwe is a profound gospel artist who has been in the field for over 15 years now and still counting. This track “Ezinne” is a dedication song that celebrates inestimable love of  a mother.

With a grateful heart to his mother, Evans says; “Celebrate her no matter what it takes. Celebrate her no matter how she looks. Give her the confidence that you appreciate her love. Most importantly know that her love is next to the love of God”.

Listen & Download

https://selahafrik.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/AUD-20160204-WA0009.mp3?_=1 Download


Twitter: @evansndukwe

Facebook Account: Evans Ndukwe


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