“So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, ‘
I have come to realise over time that you can’t fake service, if you have not learnt it as a way of life, especially in the presence of God, only time will tell before it wears out.
Time can reveal true purpose and the most concealed truth only if one is patient enough. Many people get into service for various reasons and some for the first part, will serve very well but like Dr Larry Titus (author of the Teleios Man) once said; “Faithfulness is not about what you do at the present moment, it’s the accumulation of your consistency in being faithful overtime in what is committed to you.”
In my short time in ministry, I have seen people start strong in service, either in public, office, society or in the church but as the activity becomes regular, the enthusiasm also dies. But this does not baffle me more than those who have hidden motives why they serve… as bad as this is, some even take it further to deceive themselves that it is service unto God while they are gathering accolades and seemingly getting ahead in life.
The enemy of genuine service is selfishness and greed while you cannot separate genuine service from loyalty. While selfishness is thinking about oneself at the expense of the greater good of humanity, loyalty is putting the need of the one you are committed to above your own need, therefore if you are truly committed to God, you will be loyal to His will, and this will cost you!
I know that sounds harsh but I will tell you the truth. Service that does not take away something from you to replace whatever is taken with more of God and His will is not service unto God. Look at the lives of the disciples, the apostles and what they had to give up for the sake of Christ. Some of them were martyrd while others endured severe hardship, health issues, jail and all sorts. A portion in the bible says “you have not endured unto death”. (Hebrews 12:4), while another says; “Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life” (Revelation 2:10).
I was having an online discussion with a friend some years ago and he said to me “when did Christianity crossed from what the disciples endured to luxurious living and attributing a blessed life to what you enjoy alone?” That word never left me. I am not saying God does not want us to live in luxury but if the level of luxury you enjoy now is not in a way proportional to the pillars of testimonies you have built as a result of faithfulness… I think you need to do a recap of your stand – before and right now.
If you have been faithful, you will be tested and I tell you, at that moment, you will not like it. But the testing of your faith is to bring you out as gold, refined with fire at the appearance of Jesus. So either you are living in luxury or going through severe hardship at the moment, render your service unto God like your life depends on it. Render it without grumbling or complaint. Render it with thanksgiving for all the lessons the Lord is teaching you right now because of all you are going through. This will form your pillars of testimonies when God finally brings you out. You will be better, mature and ready to teach others (Romans 5:1-5).
Don’t forget take away selfishness, input loyalty & faithfulness to God. then you are ready to serve. What’s more is that if you can be faithful and loyal to God, it will reflect in every other aspect of your life.
— Written by Alex Amos