Home News & Events Monica Makes Bold Statement With “God’s Child” Apparel

Monica Makes Bold Statement With “God’s Child” Apparel


monica-2Monica God’s Child Apparel

The new collection of apparels on singer Monica Brown’s clothing line takes urban style to a whole new level!

The latest addition to the singer’s online store monicaapparel.com is the “God’s Child” collection which includes the quilted hoodie, sweat suit, Tees and more. The latest collection will join others including the The Code Red Collection that coincides with her eighth studio album “Code Red” and carries bible verses on them.

Monica who got the start in her career from the church has always been outspoken about her Christian faith. Her song “Still Standing” also features part of 2 Corinthians 5:7, one of the bible verses on her Code Red collection.

Monica often credit her mother Marilyn Best for the foundation of her faith, what many will love to know however is – will Monica ever venture into full time Gospel music?




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