Home Selah's Journal Selah’s Journal: 4 Ways To Keep Christ In Christmas

Selah’s Journal: 4 Ways To Keep Christ In Christmas



  • Give God one very special gift just from you to him.

Let this gift be something personal that no one else needs to know about, and let it be a sacrifice. David said in 2 Samuel 24 that he would not offer a sacrifice to God that cost him nothing.

Maybe your gift to God will be to forgive someone you’ve needed to forgive for a long time. You may discover that you’ve given a gift back to yourself.

Lewis B. Smedes wrote in his book, Forgive and Forget, “When you release the wrongdoer from the wrong, you cut a malignant tumor out of your inner life. You set a prisoner free, but you discover that the real prisoner was yourself.”

Perhaps your gift will be to commit to spending time with God daily. Or maybe there is something God has asked you to give up.

  • Set aside a special time to read the Christmas story in Luke 1:5-56 through 2:1-20.

Consider reading this account with your family and discussing it together.

  • Plan a project of good will this Christmas.

A few years ago, my family adopted a single mom for Christmas. She was barely making ends meet and didn’t have money to buy gifts for her small child. Together with my husband’s family, we bought gifts for both mother and daughter and replaced their broken down washing machine the week of Christmas.

Do you have an elderly neighbor in need of home repairs or yard work? Find someone with a genuine need, involve your whole family, and see how happy you can make him or her this Christmas.

  • Attend a Christmas church service together with your family.

If you are alone this Christmas or don’t have family living near you, invite a friend or a neighbor to join you.



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