He revealed this in an Instagram video post which he captioned:
“Family, I have something very special to share – and I wanted you to hear directly from me. We are redefining culture. Taking the light and love of Jesus, where it belongs.”
In the video, he said:
“Man, I’m overwhelmed by the favour and the love of our Jesus Christ.” He said the past couple of years, the doors Jesus had opened for him had blown his mind.
“One of those doors was an invitation next week to the inaugural ball to Washington DC. “After much prayer, deliberation and soul searching – I literally spoke to most of my spiritual advisers throughout the country – it was an overwhelming ‘go’. That’s what they told me, that they believed this was the will of God.”
This was because in the Bible, God gave His servants access to power, so they could speak to Kings they agreed and disagreed with. He did not want to sit back and complain, but to take the “light of Jesus” into the culture where it belongs.
While Travis Greene accepted the invite, Gospel singer Jonathan McReynolds has turned down an invitation to sing at Trump’s Inauguration. He had been invited just as Greene was alongside Jackie Evancho, Chrisette Michele and Charlotte Church who also declined the invitation.
Jonathan McReynolds gave his reason respectfully, stating that:
“I grew up a straight up nerd heading toward meteorology or computer engineering but now as a Christian singer/songwriter, regardless of how it happened and who the PEOTUS is, I WAS INVITED TO THE INAUGURAL BALL. But, I respectfully declined. “Respectfully” because Donald Trump is, in fact, soon to be the president of the United States. Regardless of his history, his quotes, and even his disrespect of President Obama and others, as a man, as a man of God, you must respect the position of even those you don’t agree with. We bless those that curse us. Sucks sometimes, but it’s our challenge. I declined because I simply don’t believe this opportunity was for ME. (I wouldn’t have been able to sing any “Life Music” either.) God’s people absolutely need to be there though, whether they are praying, speaking, or singing. I pray the Body of Christ NEVER gets comfortable publicly rebuking ITSELF, it’s own people, when they take meetings, take opportunities, to affect and touch leaders, especially the ones we don’t agree with.”