Home News & Events Lady Gaga Makes Public Declaration For God At Super Bowl

Lady Gaga Makes Public Declaration For God At Super Bowl


lady-gaga- (Medium)It seems Pop superstar Lady Gaga maybe trying to find her way after all the success and fame.

She was trending all over social media Sunday night after her Super Bowl halftime performance in Houston, Texas for both her outfit and her outward declaration towards God.

In her usual style, she had a grand entrance with sparkling outfit and in-your-face stage presence. She opened the Half Time show with a heartfelt rendition of “God bless America, land that I love.” As her medley performance progressed she also recited the Pledge of Allegiance with emphasis on the line, “One nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.”

Her former teacher, Evangelist Chris White, says he prays that her outward declaration toward God during the show is a sign of the beginning of a genuine spiritual journey that could lead to her salvation in Christ.

“To me, the most moving part of her performance was when she sang her new song, ‘Million Reasons,'” the United Evangelical Church minister said when speaking with The Christian Post.

The chorus to Gaga’s song a “Million Reasons” is as follows:

“I bow down to pray/ I try to make the worst seem better/ Lord, show me the way/ To cut through all his worn out leather/ I’ve got a hundred million reasons to walk away/ But baby, I just need one good one to stay.”

“Lady Gaga, like many famous people, is bleeding on the inside because fame and success can never satisfy the human heart. ‘Can’t you give me what I’m needin’, needin’?’ is the cry of the human heart for something far greater than anything this world can offer,” White explained. “I have been praying for her now for years, that the Lord will indeed one day show her the way to ‘cut through all the worn out leather’ of this dying world.”


Source: Christian Post


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