Home News & Events Queen Latifah Working On Bible-themed TV Series With FOX

Queen Latifah Working On Bible-themed TV Series With FOX


latifahActor and rapper Queen Latifah is working with entertainment company Fox on a modern-day Bible-themed TV series.

The Scroll will feature new versions of stories from the Bible told through the perspective of a group of friends, who are based on historical figures in the religious book.

Latifah, who currently features in “Star”, will team up with Holly Carter, CEO of faith-inspired content company Releve Entertainment, and Shakim Compere‘s Flavor Unit Television for a Bible-themed drama.

“The Scroll” will re-imagine some of the Bible’s most popular stories in present day. Those stories will be depicted by a group of friends and colleagues who are the modern-day versions of some of the Bible’s most remarkable characters.




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