– Review: Chris Shalom – Dry Bones Are Rising
Chris Shalom is in a class of his own, with his signature sound, nonetheless, he is exceptionally dynamic. In essence, you can hear a Chris Shalom’s song for the first time and immediately recognize his style but still be entranced by its beauty.
The single off the “Worship in Every Place” series is in Chris’ usual style of simple sing-along worship. It carries with it such a spirit filled ambiance enhanced by the beautiful strings sustained all through the piece. The tinkling sound of the piano ricochets through every fiber pulling the song closer towards a full circle having introduced the violin, cords and kicks successively. However, it was Chris Shalom’s high octave and the background soprano that brought the song to an encore-deserving art piece and spiritual outburst!
Finally, Chris spiritual consciousness is evident in the thematic preoccupation of his songs, the same is true of the new single “Dry Bones are Rising”. He captures the kairos essentially, his perspective is interpreted aptly in the song’s lyrics. No matter where you are standing right now, the prophetic words embedded in the lyrics will stir the Spirit in you!
Watch the video of “Dry Bones Are Rising” below:
Get the single below: