Home News & Events Crocodile Kills Pastor While Conducting Baptism In Lake

Crocodile Kills Pastor While Conducting Baptism In Lake


– Crocodile kills pastor conducting baptismA pastor who was conducting baptism at the Lake Abaya in Arba Minch town’s Merkeb Tabya district in Ethiopia has been reported to have been killed by crocodile.

Pastor Docho was conducting the ceremony for about 80 people on Sunday morning. Residents and police told BBC Amharic a crocodile leapt from the water during the baptism and attacked him. Pastor Docho died after being bitten on his legs, back and hands.

“He baptised the first person and he passed on to another one. All of a sudden, a crocodile jumped out of the lake and grabbed the pastor,” local resident Ketema Kairo told the BBC.

Despite huge efforts, fishermen and residents could not save pastor Docho, policeman Eiwnetu Kanko said.

They used fishing nets to prevent the crocodile from taking the pastor’s body into the lake. His body was dragged out of the water using fishing net while the crocodile escaped.


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