Home Selah Fashion Bishop TD Jakes’ Nigerian Native Attires Connected To His Igbo Root?

Bishop TD Jakes’ Nigerian Native Attires Connected To His Igbo Root?


American preacher Bishop TD Jakes rocked an Agbada with Igbo red cap in a recent picture he shared on Instagram.

He shared the photos while celebrating his wife Serita Jakes’ birthday on Sunday 19th August. He captioned in the collages of posts;

“In honor of First Lady’s birthday, I wanted to tell you 9 of my favorite things about my wife. I will start off with her patience. My wife just has a way of staying level-headed in the midst of chaos that makes me admire her patience.

“Serita is one of the strongest women I know. She has endured life’s twists and turns with extreme grace and poise.

“One thing my wife has taught me in her actions is that humility doesn’t mean insecurity. Serita exudes humility with confidence.

“I love her grace. She’s beauty and she’s grace. She’s Mrs. Serita Jakes.

“I admire Serita’s courage under fire. At times of struggle, she had the faith and courage to take the chance and move our entire family where God had directed us.

“First Lady has always been stylish. Her style is unique to her and she looks beautiful at all times.

“I love how Serita is the glue that holds the family together. Whenever I’d have to travel to speaking engagements when the kids were growing up, I always knew that our family was okay.

“If you have ever received a gift from First Lady, you know how amazingly thoughtful she is.

“Last, but not least, I love her class. She is such a lady.”

It won’t be the first time Bishop TD Jakes is rocking a Nigerian attire and it may not be unconnected to the revelation which the wife of House on the Rock church  pastor, Ifeanyi Adefarasin, made last year, that Bishop TD Jakes has traced his root to the Eastern part of Nigeria. On Easter Sunday earlier in the year, he ministered in Agbada and and a purple-like cap of western Nigeria.

Pastor Ifeanyi Adefarasin wrote; “Since tracing his roots back to the Igbo land in Nigeria, it was Bishop Thomas Dexter Jakes’ first time stepping on the Nigerian soil, with the knowledge that this is where he truly comes from.


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