The recipients include one Egbiremonien Mary who was trafficked after being lured into prostitution in Paris and Jennifer Ariel from Abuja, who was allegedly deceived into prostitution by her aunt.
According to reports, the women were at the verge of suicide before the man of God gave them the gift. Egbiremonien Mary got N4.5million while Jennifer Ariel received N2.5million.
The woman were presented with the money after they met with the man of God and the partners of Mercy Television.
The statement released by the church reads:
“Just as the word of God says in Romans 8:1; “For there is therefore no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus.
“As Christ came for Sinners to be saved and redeemed, in this same vain, God’s tireless general, Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin saved two prostitutes from dying.
“In his usual manner of prophetic outbursts, Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin located Ms. Egbiremonien Mary from Paris, France who was trafficked and lured into prostitution in Paris and Ms. Jennifer Ariel from Abuja, Nigeria also deceived into prostitution allegedly by her aunty.
“Ms. Egbiremonien Mary and Ms. Jennifer Ariel had concluded that if the God of Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin did not locate them, they will commit sucide to put an end to their misery.
“They came to Mercy City, encounter divine grace and were blessed.
“The clergy and the Partners of Mercy Television in their usual gesture blessed them with the Sum of #7million Naira (#7,000,000) to start a new life.
“When God’s Grace locates a person, sins are cleansed and bondage’s are broken.
“They were not only located through prophecy by the prophetic bulldozer, but were delivered, saved and blessed.
“Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin and Mercy Television Partners blessed Ms. Egbiremonien Mary with #4.5Million Naira while Ms. Jennifer Ariel received #2.5Million Naira to start a new life.
“According to the Prophet who is popularly called ‘Owomowomo’, “Love and support is our greatest priority.
“I admonish us to sacrifice to the needy.
“I want to use this medium to call on my colleagues (men of God) to bless the poor amongst them.”
Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin is known for being a philanthropist. He has attempted suicide himself due to severe hardship and abject poverty, by taking over dose of sleeping pills, but was saved by God. In 2018, he made headline when he was pictured in his new private jet with Malawian born preacher Shepherd Bushiri. Many refer to him as TB Joshua‘s protege.