The Abuja based pastor whose church is currently building a 100,000 capacity auditorium called “the Lord’s Garden” and has been said will become the largest in the world on completion, said it is only satanic voices that will question why churches build big structures.
In a Facebook post titled “On the ‘build industries, not churches” school of thought,“ he said:
“… There are some people who say ‘Why are they still building Big Churches? Why don’t they build industries?’ Those are satanic voices speaking.
Number One, we have to build big churches to have big accommodation for big harvest. What you present to God is what He fills. And Number two, The Church is one of the largest employers of labour. My father’s Ministry (Winners Chapel) has over 26,000 people on their Payroll. I’m not talking of just Pastors and Assistant Pastors. I’m talking of University Professors, lecturers, technicians and all these people. How many State Governments in this country have 26,000 workers on their payroll that they pay every month?
In this Church, we pay salaries before the end of every month. You cannot make anybody’s salary cross to the next day. The accountant that dares it has lost his job. We pay Millions daily on the site (The Lord’s Garden). Technicians, Electricians, builders, Resident Civil Engineers, Horticulturists, etc. By the time the hospitals join and the Universities join, it multiplies the work force. And some satanic agents say “What is the church doing?…”
Dr Paul Enenche.“