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Bible News: God’s Mercy & The New Covenant


Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. – Hebrews 4:16

The mercy of God is at the core of the new covenant. It is how we receive atonement for sins.

Much more, We all need his mercy to be able to pass all requirements when we come before His throne of grace. The book of Hebrews 4 makes us understand that the only reason why we can come boldly before the throne of grace is because in God’s eyes we have already satisfied all the requirements, due to Jesus finished work.

If we are to go by the requirements needed to satisfy the conditions for our petition, we probably will not be getting anything from God but His mercy bypasses our inadequacies by focusing on the sacrifice of Jesus!

Luke 18 talked about a wicked judge who granted the petition of a widow, not because she had the right standing with the judge but because of her constant cry for help. Jesus said, if a wicked judge can eventually show compassion to someone who didn’t have a right standing, how much more God who is rich in mercy?

So we see that mercy is a key factor in our faith walk. This is because you may not even realize that you have faulted in your walk but the mercy of God will reveal the hidden truth to you so that you can get a pass on every account. Hence, Psalm 51 which was a cry for God’s mercy says:

“Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts, And in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom.” – Psalms 51:6

In conclusion, it takes one who is broken to realize that mercy is at the core of the new covenant , therefore the book of James makes us realize God resist the proud but gives more grace to the humble. Humble yourself, seek God’s mercy for the next couple of days and see how He will reveal mysteries of where you are to you. Perhaps, this is the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for!

  • Written by Alex Amos


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