Home #SelahMusic Former BBN Star Debie Rise Crosses Over To Gospel Music! Changes Name...

Former BBN Star Debie Rise Crosses Over To Gospel Music! Changes Name – Watch “My Choice”


Former BBN and Nigerian Idol Star, Debie Rise recently made 3 announcement and amongst these include the release of her new Gospel effort titled “My Choice”. Further more, the reality TV star, in a cryptic message made it known that she has crossed over to Gospel music.

To this effect she wishes to henceforth be known as Deborah Rise, instead of Debbie Rise.

She released new pictures, backing the announcement and the release of the audio and video for “My Choice”. The singer has also chopped off her hair spotting a low cut, a sort of signature symbolizing the rebrand.

Announcing the video on her Instagram page, Deborah Rise captioned:

“I am Deborah Rise and this is a Rebirth! Choose you this day whom ye will serve! As for me – Deborah Rise, I and all my talents will Serve The LORD! And this is My Choice. What’s yours?”

Watch “My Choice” below:




Video Director: Paul Gambit

Music Producer: Password

Mastered by : Suka

Composed by : Tee-Rise and Deborah Rise


Stylist: SkenteleByEttiDidiFashionWorldAlexiesdor.

Photography: OlayemiAF and Akin Akintola.



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