Home Bible News Bible News: The Year Of The Light | Part. 1

Bible News: The Year Of The Light | Part. 1


“The God who said, “Out of darkness the light shall shine!” is the same God who made his light shine in our hearts, to bring us the knowledge of God’s glory shining in the face of Christ.” – 2 Corinthians 4:6 GNT

This year, your life will speak better things than the previous years. This is an incontestible truth because of the word of the Lord that has gone ahead of you into the year but there is a great work you must do.

If you don’t like what you see in your life today, CHANGE IT! But it’s easier said than done.

The “how” to bring about these changes is the reason God is giving us light (knowledge).

When God called light to shine upon the earth. He called the light out of darkness. That means, there was nothing that points in the direction that there was any potential for light when God called out light. God simply imagined it and called it forth. Immediately He did, darkness gave way.  That means the knowledge necessary for your strategy out of any situation can be acquired, and it is available, just the same way God manifested something beautiful out of hopelessness.

The verse above tells us this same God who called out light out of the hopelessness, also use the same method to shine a light in our heart. Without installing a transformer, NEPA pole or cables, He gave us the ability to understand the mysteries of how he gets things done through Jesus Christ.

That means if I dedicate myself to know God, I can understand how God works miracles so that I too, can become a miracle worker!

So if God has given me this ability that dispels my ignorance in the same way He made light shine upon the world, I should get to know Jesus more by whom He gets things done, so I too can begin to do those things He does.

The more of Jesus I know, the more of light I receive. The more of light I receive, the more moves I make, because there is no movement where there is darkness.

To be continued! 

Prayer Point

Fill me with the spirit of wisdom and revelation. Enlighten my eyes)


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