Home #SelahMusic #SelahFresh: Shekinah | Orun’shi

#SelahFresh: Shekinah | Orun’shi [@shekkyosh]


Zionaire Republic presents Gospel music singer Shekinah in the new single “Orun’shi.”

“Orun’shi” is an African Conventional medley style of music. It is rendered in the Yoruba dialect of western Nigeria. It beckons the opening up of the spirit realm, where the divinity controls and influences one’s experience for positive result. God has giving us all things that pertains to life and godliness, therefore as we engage the spirit realm, we begin to see this manifestations through change of level ,divine visitation and countless celebrations.

“When heavens opens up upon a life, words are not enough to express how that life takes a 360 degree turn around for good. Its my prayer that as you declare this word ‘’orun’shi” which means in English “open heaven,” you will begin to experience great manifestations in your life.” – Shekinah.

Produced by Tyemmy.

Listen & Download

https://k007.kiwi6.com/hotlink/hnmfzbv1od/ORUN_SHI_Shekinah.mp3?_=1 Download



Twitter: @shekkyosh

Instagram: @shekinahtee

Facebook: Taiwo Iyere Osiname


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