Home News & Events Bishop Oyedepo Sparks Debate About Tithing On Twitter Again!

Bishop Oyedepo Sparks Debate About Tithing On Twitter Again!


– Bishop Oyedepo tithing tweet sparks controversy on Twitter

Many users on Twitter have disagreed with Bishop David Oyedepo following a tweet he shared to backup the importance and biblical implication of tithing.

The presiding bishop of Faith Tabernacle David Oyedepo shared a tweet where he discussed the importance of tithing. He stated that anyone who doesn’t pay tithe is “under a financial curse” and can never prosper.

“Tithing is an inescapable covenant obligation. Prosperity not just wealth is impossible without tithing, because when you’re not paying your tithe, you’re under a financial curse. #Tithe #Breakinglimits.” The man of God tweeted.

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Following the post, the clergyman has since come under fire and huge scrutiny on the social media App as users all around the country openly shared their disagreement with his theory. Many disagreed saying the claim is baseless and non-existing.

In response to the tweet, a user said:

“Tithing cannot create wealth! Wealth creation occurs when you deploy capital to create value. When X gives 1/10 of his earnings to your church, there’s no production or investment, thus he has not created value, but only enriched you. Tithing is a church sponsored ponzi scheme..”


While some clearly backed the man of God and even stated the financial benefits that comes with the act of tithing, others argued that the only thing that can guarantee proper financial breakthrough is investment not tithing.

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