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Video: What To Know Before Going Into A Relationship | By Apostle Joshua Selman


– Apostle Joshua Selman Reveals Secrets Of Lasting Relationships

Many purposeless relationships have ruined individuals with vision. To what extent do you want to gamble with your destiny?

Listen to Apostle Joshua Selman, as he talks about what you need to know before going into a relationships.

He also stresses the importance of every guy finding their purpose before going into a relationship. Explaining that the first thing God did to Adam in the garden is to reveal his purpose; the reason for his existence. This will help the lady plan her life in light of where the guy is going.

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The highly educative but yet simple and direct terms used by the man of God will get you re-evaluating your plans and goals for life. Using scriptural and very relatable real life experience to drive home every point.

The man of God who at the beginning of the year announced that his Christian service, Koinonia will now extends its tentacles to 5 foreign countries fully delved deep into secrets of lasting relationships for every Christian.

The message is a must watch for every single person who is serious about having a godly and Christ centered relationship.

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Chopped by Seun Richboss


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