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Bible News: Re-Evaluating The Reason Why We Pray | By Pastor Craig Groeschel


Re-evaluating the reason why we pray by Pastor Craig Groeschel

I worry that for a lot of people, prayer is like buying a lottery ticket, a chance at a life here on earth that’s problem-free, stress-free, pain-free. For others, prayer is merely a sentimental routine, like reciting favorite song lyrics or a beloved nursery rhyme from childhood. Yet others pray only because they feel even guiltier if they don’t.

All these reasons are not bad in itself, but none of these prayers reflect the life Jesus came to give us.

Instead, he called us to leave everything to follow him.

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Jesus didn’t just challenge others to leave their own wills behind. He too lived a dangerous faith. He touched lepers. Showed grace to prostitutes. And stood bravely in the face of danger. Then he told us we could do what he did—and more.

And that’s why we can’t settle for simply asking God to bless our food or “be with us today.”

We’re told in the Bible that we can “come boldly to the throne of our gracious God” (Heb. 4:16a NLT). We don’t have to approach timidly or feel awkward—we can come before him with confidence, assurance, and boldness. When we pray this way, then “we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most” (Heb. 4:16b NLT).

Your prayers matter.

How you pray matters.

What you pray matters.

Your. Prayers. Move. God.

Written by Pastor Craig Groeschel | Life.church


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