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#SelahMusic: Caleb Bright | Air I Breathe [@calebcomb]


– New Music By Caleb Bright Tagged AIR I BREATHE

Caleb Bright is a sold-out worshiper fully committed to preaching the gospel through songs. He is a member and singer from the LoveWorld ministries, he has a passion for gospel music which he shares through his songs.

“Air I Breathe” is a gift to the world, because the scripture makes us understand that in him [the spirit of God] we live, move and have our being. In other words, everything that has to do with us is God birthed.

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So, the question is, how can I be stranded? How can I fail? Never, because it’s inconsistent with my nature. This song is who a Christian truly is.

Listen & Download

https://ia601502.us.archive.org/4/items/caleb-air-i-breathe/Caleb%20Air%20I%20Breathe.mp3?_=1 Download



Twitter: @Calebcomb


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