Home News & Events “This Is Not The Nigeria We Envisioned” – Pastor Tunde Bakare Describes...

“This Is Not The Nigeria We Envisioned” – Pastor Tunde Bakare Describes Buhari’s Tenure As Failure


– Pastor Tunde Bakare Says President Buhari As Failed Nigerians 

The pastor of the Citadel Global Community Church, Pastor Tunde Bakare, has spoken on the state of the nation saying President Buhari’s tenure has been nothing but failure.

The man of God who was the running mate of the Nigerian presidential candidate Muhammadu Buhari in the 2011 Nigerian presidential election claims he was terribly shocked in what he described as the ‘gross failure’ in the administration of the President.

“This is not the Nigeria we envisioned not only as young people but in recent past. It is as if we are again at the precipice but Nigeria has a way of bouncing back; we are full of hope that God Almighty will help us.

“We are in a very perplexing situation as a nation. Many things that we didn’t see before are happening now. Even the president himself said so that nothing worries or bothers him like what is happening in the north-east, especially the banditry and kidnapping,” he said.

Pastor Bakare said he is beyond surprised as to the state of the nation and went as far as likening the administration to a 6 years old child who is still crawling, he said:

“A six-year-old child that is still crawling has problems. You want to examine or call the doctors to come in or a pediatrician, you say that this child was given birth to six years ago but it is crawling, just moving on its buttocks, not running, not walking, something is wrong.

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“If we are going to assess, we need serious political medicare. There is no problem that is devoid of solutions.”

“I like to use my own words. Failure will look like, ‘like try again’, you can still do something with it. I once failed an examination in mathematics.

“In 1973, I sat for an exam and I got what we called inverted six, which is nine in mathematics but I met a friend of mine, who is late now, Ahmed Abebefe, who was a genius in mathematics in secondary school but his English was terrible. I was very good at English… Yes, there is a gross failure, it is apparent to everyone but you can fail forward.” he said.


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