Home #SelahMusic #SelahFreshVid: Harjovy | Throne Of Mercy

#SelahFreshVid: Harjovy | Throne Of Mercy [@HARJOVY]


– Fresh New Music By Harjovy Tagged Throne Of Mercy

After the released of Irawo the Hit song Celenimase, The celestial Anthem. The winner of the celestial music award and fast rising singer of the year, Minister Harjovy (The worship machine) has decided to take us deeper in worship by releasing a new single titled “Throne of Mercy”.

“Throne of Mercy” is the bond of grace between the throne of God and the terrain of men. It is the only throne that makes a mortal man to fellowship and partner with a great God.

READ ALSO: #SelahMusic: Mercy Chinwo | Amazing God + Suddenly

The song is a sound of heaven beyond its lyrics, but a re-sounding of the echoes of the 7th heaven, to grant you your Petitions.

This is the blueprint of this heavenly sound. As minister Harjovy re-ushers you again into this realm in re-recognising your cries for his mercies, he will do it again in your life concerning that situation, as he has finished it all for you on the cross of calvary. Halleluyah!!!

Listen & Download

https://ia601504.us.archive.org/12/items/throne-of-mercy/Throne%20of%20Mercy.mp3?_=1 Download



Speaking in the holy ghost


Haaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

This is the generation that seeks your face Oh God of Jacob

El Beraca Bered Eli El morijah Ephphatha



Sàanu Funmi

Sàanu funmi

Oun gbe anu gbe mi o

Sàanu funmiolorun sàanu funmi

Oun gbe anu gbe mi o

Saanu funmi o

Sàanu funmi eeeeh


Sàanu funmi

Sàanu funmi

Oun gbe anu gbe mi o

Sàanu funmi

Sàanu funmi

Oun gbe anu gbe mii oo

Sàanu funmi

Verse 1

Silekun anu Oluwa o

Silekun anu Oluwa

Please don’t let me go

The same way I came

Silekun anu oluwa o

Silekun anu Oluwa

Oleblanu nowe oto

Jehovah shee

Silekun anu Oluwa o

Silekun anu Oluwa

Please don’t let me go

The same way I came

Silekun anu Oluwa o

Silekun anu Oluwa

Leblanu nowe oto

Jehovah shee


Sàanu funmi

Sàanu funmi

Oun gbe anu gbe mi o

Sàanu Funmi

Saanu funmi

Oungbe anu gbe mi o

Verse 2

Ooooooo ooooooooo

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills

From whence cometh my help

My help cometh from the Lord which made Heaven and earth

He will not suffer thy foot to be moved

He that keepeth thee will not slumber

Behold he that keepeth israel shall neither Slumber nor sleep

The lord is thy keeper the lord is thy shade

Upon thy right hand

The sun shall not smite thee by day

Nor the moon by night

The lord shall preserve thee from all evil

He shall preserve thy soul

The lord shall preserve thy going out and thy Coming in from this time forth and even for Evermore

Verse 3

Haaaa elaa ona fun eni tii n bo la ginju Jah ni oruko ree

Kose daduro

Olu lanna ni


We wait on you oh lord Kumbaya lord Oh lord Have your way lord

We wait on you

Anu yio maa shogo lorii ite idajo

Omu talaka dide la to ori akitan

Lati lo ba awon omo alade jeun

Eyin abiyamo ode orun o

Egbe ra dide Abiyamo kii gbo kun omo re

Ko ma ta ti wèré

Oni emi yio sàanu fun awon tie mi yio sàanu fun jesu omo dafidi sàanu funmi

Those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength

They shall mount up with wings like Eagles

They shall run and not be weary

They shall walk and not faint


Talk to your maker His ready to make a way for you

Talk to Opomulero

Maker of heaven and earth

Oh talk to your maker His ready to make a way for you

Talk to jesus

Maker of heaven and earth

Talk to your maker

His ready to make a way for you

Talk to Opomulero

Maker of heaven and earth

Talk to your maker

His ready to make a way for you

Talk to opomulero

Maker of heaven and Earth

Talk to your maker

His ready to make a way for you

Talk to Opomulero

Maker of heaven and Earth

Talk to your maker

His ready to make a way for you

Talk to opomulero

Maker of heaven and earth

Verse 1 repeat

Silekun anu Oluwa oSilekun anu Oluwa

Please don’t let me go

The same way I came

Silekun anu Oluwa o

Silekun anu Oluwa Leblanu nowe oto

Jehovah shee

Silekun anu Oluwa o

Silekun anu Oluwa

Please don’t let me go

The same way I came

Silekun anu Oluwa o

Silekun anu Oluwa

Leblanu nowe otoo

Jehovah shee


Sàanu funmi sàanu funmi

Oun gbe anu gbe mi o

Sàanu funmisàanu funmi sàanu funmi

Oun gbe anu gbe mi o

Sàanu funmi


Oba ti dari afefe

Wa dari ayo mi sibi ti mowá yee

Oun gbe anu gbee mi

Sàanu fun mi o

We wait on you oh lord e

Kunbaya lord oh lord

Have your way Lord

We wait on you

Sàanu funmi o

Sàanu funmi oAanu lo obediodomu gba lojosi

Edumare sàanu funmi o

Bami yee ee à



Instagram: @harjovy


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