Home #SelahMusic #SelahFresh: Nsikan Louis | Mercy

#SelahFresh: Nsikan Louis | Mercy


Abuja-based music minister, Nsikan Louis debuts with a brand new sound title ‘MERCY’.

The single is a simple contemporary gospel song written in English and Ibibio dialects.

Though a prayer, MERCY comes with a danceable rhythm.
In Isaiah 43:26, the Word says, “Put me in remembrance….”

When God said to remind Him of His word, it is not to imply that the Creator of the Universe forgets. NO! He never forgets. To remind God is to express dependency and trust.

READ ALSO: #SelahFreshVid: Gloria Louis | Arabataribiti

It symbolizes the willingness to surrender fully to doing God’s will. God is never slack concerning His promises.

The hope is that MERCY will minister to every heart yearning for divine intervention and draw them closer to God.

Listen & Download

https://ia601407.us.archive.org/35/items/mercy-nsikan-1/MERCY%20-%20NSIKAN-1.mp3?_=1 Download



Waiting for a change can seem so long,
If God will not give grace, we will faint,
So we pray, for our miracle to come,
Show us your mercy as we wait on you.
Renew our strength,
Rekindle our hope,
May our dreams no longer delay.
Let your favor, surround us like a shield,
Show us your mercy as we wait on you.
We have waited, We have prayed
We have wondered, Will God ever hear us?
We’ve been mocked, we have been shamed,
Show us your mercy as we wait on you.
Ibiobio language:
Jehovah, andibot enyong y’isong
Obong uwem ooo
Tua nnyin mbom
Edidem mme ndidem, imedi k’iso afo,
Ete ima ooooo
Tua nnyin mbom,
Kuyak ekondo esak ooo, kuyak ebub nnyin,
Where is your God oo?
Akananam afo ubianga ke oo
Jehovah…..Tua nnyin mbo ooooom!!
Ooooh ooooh, Lord remember your word unto us
Just like Sarah, Just like Daniel
We wait on you, Lord we trust in you!
Agunechemba, You are a mighty God
Kabiyesi ooo, we bow before you Lord
We’ve been shamed, show us your mercy, your mercy, your mercy Lord.
Come and deliver us, we need you, LORD
You have done it before, you will do it again
Thank you Jesus 3x
Show us your mercy as we wait on you…….
Backup repeats Chorus till fades
Remember your promise, remember your word,
You are not a man, you cannot lie,
Just like Sarah, Just like Daniel,
Show us your mercy as we wait on you.
We have waited, We have prayed
We have wondered, Will you ever hear us?
We’ve been mocked, We have been shamed
Show us your mercy as we wait on you.



Instagram: @NsikanLouis_

Facebook | YouTube: Nsikan Louis


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