Home #SelahMusic #SelahFresh: David Marvellous | Ogene Do

#SelahFresh: David Marvellous | Ogene Do [@DaveMarvelous]


– New Music By David Marvellous Tagged Ogene Do 

David Marvelous is one whose heart desires to always give thanks to God for everything, no matter the challenges of life. She is a true Worshipper.

A singer and a songwriter. This has brought her to the understanding of who God is and what God does in the lives of his people through the power of worship, which her life is a living proof of the awesome power of God through worship.

The grace and passion for singing has been there from her childhood, but the clear revelation of becoming a Gospel singer came in the year 2011.

SEE ALSO: #SelahMusicVid: Favour George | Iwoni Oba

Which “Ogene Do” is one of the songs. David Marvelous attended the Federal College Of Education Zaria kaduna state, Where she studied Social Studies and Political Science.

She is married to Okoro David Ozoemelam. She is very kind by nature and she loves doing good to people despite their religion, language e.t.c.

Listen & Download

https://archive.org/download/david-marvelous-oghene-odoh/David%20Marvelous%20-%20Oghene%20Odoh.mp3?_=1 Download



For many things
You have done
I’ve to come to give you praise
I’ve come to honor you
I say Doh Oghene Doh 2x
Chorus: Doh Oghene Doh 3x
You are worthy of my praise 2x.
You are the solid rock i stand
Omega i thank you for holding me
All am here to say
Doh Oghene Doh 2x
Chorus: Doh Oghene Doh 3x
You are worthy of my praise 2x.
For the life you gave to me
Doh Oghene Doh
For the peace you gave to me
Doh Oghene Doh
For your help you gave to me
Doh Oghene Doh
For the health you gave to me
I say Doh Oghene Doh
Chorus: Doh Oghene Doh 3x
You are worthy of my praise 2x.
The ending: Doh Oghene Doh 3x
You are worthy of my praise.




Facebook: Isreal David Marvelous


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