Home #SelahMusic #SelahMusicVid: John Ike | Idimma | Feat. Promise Miracle | @johnikemusic

#SelahMusicVid: John Ike | Idimma | Feat. Promise Miracle | @johnikemusic


Nigerian gospel artiste John Ike, releases amazing sound tilted “Idimma” which features fellow gospel minister Promise Miracle.

Before his break from the music scene he released Odighi Onyedikagi (There Is None Like You).

John Ike is one gifted and anointed song writer and singer from Nigeria whose passion for God is expressed in his sound. He’s a renowned worship leader, music director and brand strategist.

Idimma (You are Good) By John Ike is a song that exalts, Praises and returns all glory to God for his uncountable blessings.. An outpouring of God’s love expressed in a sound.

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SEE ALSO: #SelahMusicVid: Belisa John | Worship Medley


Idimma, Ezi Chineke
You’re good, gracious God
Nanị gị bụ onye n’eme mma
Only you, the doer of good thing
Jesus enyim oma,  onye na agugum obi
Jesus my good friend,my comforter
When i call,you answer (mgbe mkpolu gi,izaa)
Chukwu bi n’ígwé
God who lives in heaven
Idighi eleda mmadụ anya Jesus
You don’t overlook anyone.
Chi nasa okwu agwaram o
God who replies my critics
Onye ụwa n’ile na edere du n’okwu ọnụ ya
Who the whole world stands still at his voice,
Anyi aja gi mma
We extol you.

Idimma, onye na ato agbu ekere eke
You’re good, you who set the captive free
Chi n’ebuli nwa ógbè nye elu
God the lifter of the poor
Okwanu ekwucha ogwu bu aha gi Jesus
The final say, that is your name.
Ibu Chi n’akaghari akikara n’ile akara megide ndi gi o
You’re the God that rewrites your people’s story
Oke Chi na eri oke aja
Great God that eats great sacrifice/offering
Nanị gi bu onye n’eme mma, Jehovah le
Only you, the doer of good things.

Onye di ka gi? Onye yiri gi?
Who’s like unto you? Who resembles you?
Oke mmanwu n’eti onwe ya
The masquerade that comes out on His own
Nanị gi bụ onye n’eme mma
Only you, the doer of good things/ only You’re good.

Idi nsọ, ịdị mma, kwesi ntụkwasị obi.
You’re holy, you’re good, you’re reliable/trustworthy
Chi nazam ekpere,  Chi n’agugum obi
God that answereth me, my comforter
Nanị gi bụ onye n’eme mma
Only you’re good/doer of good things.

Nanị gi (3×) bụ chim ji aga nu
Only you (3×) the Lord I move with.
Onye dị ka gị chim oma? Onye kam ga eji tụnyere gi daddy oma?
Who’s like unto you?, who shall I compare with you?
Only you, the doer of good things.
Nanị gi bụ onye n’eme mma.

Obata obie, ome okachie (2×)
He that comes in and it’s settled, He that has the final say (2×)
Onye ụwa n’ile na edere du n’okwu ọnụ ya
He, who the whole world stands still at His voice,
Nanị gi bụ onye n’eme mma
Only you, the doer of good things.

Daddy nani gi, Eze nani gi, eeeh nani gi
Daddy you alone, you alone my king, you alone
Bu onye n’ekuru m onu m o
The one who speaks for me
Onye na eme ka isi eme? Onye na agwo ọrịa ina agwo
Who operates like you? Who heals the diseases you heal?
Okwa gi na akasi m obi, nani gi bunu ome mma
My comforter,  only you’re good.
Nanị gi bụ onye n’eme mma
Only you, the doer of good thing.

Nekene nu ka Chineke m si akpa agwa, agwa oma oo
Imagine how my God works, good works.

Jesus oje na mmụọ, Jesus oke mmanwu n’eti onwe ya
Jesus that moves in the spirit, the masquerade that comes out on his own
Oji ọbara akpụ nwa n’afo nani gi
He that forms a child with blood in the womb, only you
Nanị gi bụ onye n’eme mma
Only you, the doer of good things.


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