Home Bible News Bible News: The Love Of God Is Unconditional | By Jolomi Dekolo

Bible News: The Love Of God Is Unconditional | By Jolomi Dekolo


The love of God is unconditional, even in our weakness and sinful ways, God still looks beyond that and still loves us.

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.” 1John 4:7

We all have our definitions of love and our convictions about love, and that’s great but i would tell you that God is love and love is God. That is the backdrop of love, all other definitions of love come out from this definition that God is love.

We can as well say most of the challenges we have and face today in this world can be narrowed down to lack of love from people.

Your mother and father can’t give you true love, the only one who can love you unconditionally and give you that true love we seek for from humans is God.

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If you claim to be a Christian and you are not loving and kind, then you are not a child of God and you don’t know Him.

God showed us the highest level of love by sacrifice. How many of us have made sacrifices for the one we claim to love even to our brothers and those around us, how much of a sacrifice have you made?

If we are not faithful, he remains faithful, because he cannot be false to himself.” – 2 Timothy 2:13


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