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Bookshelf: Rev Austin Ukporhe Debuts & Dedicates New Book “The Field of Boaz”


Rev Austin Ukporhe, of the Remnant Christian Network, has debuted and dedicated his new book, “The Field of Boaz.”

According to Rev Austin, “The Field of Boaz” centered on providing godly values and wisdom in marriages.

Speaking at the book dedication, which took place on the 18th of August, 2024, Rev Ukporhe revealed the inspiration for the book stemmed from the challenges he witnessed in his parent’s marriage.

He also stated that the book, is also intertwined with the love story of Ruth and Boaz in the Bible. Which offered great lessons on relationship and marriage.

Reflecting on his journey, Ukporhe said, “I taught this life series for up to six months. During that time, a pastor called me and asked, ‘Are you sure of what you’re doing? You’re being too vulnerable, and people might not respect or relate to you. They might even use this against you.’

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“But being vulnerable is the best thing that has happened to me. After years of reflecting and with God’s permission, I felt it was important for people to know that no matter who you are, you can encounter God, and He can transform you.”

He continued, “I grew up in an abusive environment where, whenever there was a quarrel, my father would slap my mother before she could even raise her voice. There were times they would go to a party, and my mother would come back crying. But eventually, both my parents changed.”

Ukporhe emphasised, “I wrote this book as a testimony for this generation and the next, showing that a man who was raised in a troubled and dysfunctional family can still find enlightenment and transform into a godly person.”




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