Home #SelahMusic #SelahMusicVid: Funmi Praise | Glory Praise Medley

#SelahMusicVid: Funmi Praise | Glory Praise Medley [@FunmiPraise]


US based Nigerian Gospel singer Funmi Praise has released the much talked about “Glory Praise Medley” to the excitement of many.

The medley has Contemporary and African songs that will inspire you to praise God. It will birth joy and rejoicing in the heart of the listener through its mood and tone. Funmi Praise, as the name implies, is graced with birthing atmosphere of gratitude, thanksgiving, joy and praise through her music.

As mentioned earlier, the medley is a collection of African Praise songs and Contemporary songs laced on Nigerian Tungba beat.

This is Funmi Praise official first release for the year, although there has bee series of live recordings in between. She released “Not A Man” featuring EmmaMOG at the tail-end of 2023. The song recieved rave reviews after release. The “Glory Praise Medley” has also been released to a greater critical review and its already doing quite a number on Youtube.

Listen and be inspired!

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Follow @funmipraiseisichei on all social media platform.


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