Home #SelahMusic #SelahMusic: Kayode Olusoji | Eni Bani Jesu

#SelahMusic: Kayode Olusoji | Eni Bani Jesu


kayodeThere are so many great tracks in “Gidi Gan Reloaded” and “Gidi Gan Classic” albums Many of you have listened to “Gidi Gan” and “Mukulumuke” and equally watched the video as well, but probably few people have listened to “Eni Ba Ni Jesu” except if you have purchased or downloaded the album.

Download & Listen – Eni Bani Jesu



The Inspiration behind the Song

Eni Bani Jesu” is a great track which is called Afro Cuban a family of Salsa.  As usual, the song is tasty and well cooked by Wole Oni. It is indeed a sweet aroma to God as you know that our God deserves the best. The song simply implies that it is only those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior that have all things. You may have great wealth, you may be highly placed in the society, you may be well learned and even be a Professor, you may have riches, honor, fame and power, but all these amount to nothing if you don’t have Jesus.

The song can easily be summarized with some of the teachings of Jesus Christ which says “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”  Mark 8:16

Our soul is much more expensive and more valuable than the wealth and riches of the whole world put together. As a matter of fact, God considers those who have riches without God in their lives as fools. However, in the book of Matthew 6: 33, we realized that if we seek the kingdom of God and its righteousness, all other things shall be added unto us. The main question we should ask ourselves today is that, “Why are people running after the addition or seeking for all other things instead of seeking the real thing, which is the kingdom of God?”

I am sure you will enjoy the melody of this music and you will most likely want to listen to it over and over again. I am also sure that this song will travel far and wide and top charts in many radio stations all over the world. Most importantly, my desire is that you should understand the message in the song and let it minister to you. All things are yours once you have Jesus Christ in your life.

So download and listen to both the song and the instrumentals and give me a shout via my contact details, if you are blessed by the song.  As I give out this song, I need something from you in return. Give your life to Jesus Christ if you have not done so. Give more commitment to the assignment that God has given you if you have given your life to Jesus. Most importantly, seek first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness, and every other thing shall be added unto you. Thank you.



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