As my wife and I mark our tenth year wedding anniversary, there is no better way to mark it than to give this great song out to all our teeming fans as a free download. I wrote this song before our wedding and it was recorded shortly after our third year wedding anniversary. It is ten years today and we are still standing by God’s special grace, and we believe God for greater exploits through our music and higher heights in our marriage.
I want to acknowledge the fact that God is the ultimate builder of a home, and if God does not build a house, the builder is building in vain. Even though, husbands and wives have a part to play in home building, God is the ultimate builder. Our duty as husband or wife is to put God first and submit to His will. We should also not make the mistake of giving priority to the ministry above our marriage. It is God first, our home second, then followed by the ministry. We should always get this priority right and I believe that is scriptural as well.
I am grateful to God that I am married to a friend, a prayer partner, and a co-laborer in the ministry who has been very loving and supportive. God has been faithful to us over the years. We however need more prayers and support from you because the journey is still very far. There are still a lot that we pray we will achieve together for God’s kingdom, if Jesus tarries.
My advice to Christian couples is that, we should make prayers the backbone of our homes because the devil is always out to attack the home front. He did that in the Garden of Eden when he soiled the relationship between God and Adam’s family. He did not allow Adam and Eve to enjoy the best of their relationship with God. He is all out to repeat this over and over again, because his mission is to kill, steal and destroy. Our prayers are that God will restore peace to every home that is undergoing any form of attack of the enemy in Jesus name. Marriage is a union of two forgivers. It is not a union of two perfect individuals that will never hurt each other. So we must always learn to forgive as Jesus commands.
We must make up our minds that in any situation; we will learn to forgive one another. We pray that if there is any home going through some tough times due to unforgiveness and the parties involved are finding it difficult to resolve their differences, the Holy Spirit will give you the ability to forgive one another. The Holy Spirit will touch such homes in Jesus’ name and heal every pain and hurts and there will be a restoration.
Download & Listen – That I May Know Him
This song, “That I May Know Him” was inspired by the words of Apostle Paul in Philippians 3:10 which say, “That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death”. This song shows us that, no matter the heights we have attained in ministry, in marriage in our life pursuits and in fulfilling our dreams, there are still greater heights to attain, so we cannot afford to rest on our oars.
If Apostle Paul can say that he still want to know more about God despite all the revelations, the deep relationship with God and all the exploits he had done as at the time he wrote to the Philippians’, then it is obvious that we have not even started at all. Our prayers are that as you listen to this song, may you be inspired to do more exploit for God in Jesus’ name.
Jesus is our Bridegroom-to-be who paid the bride price for His lovers by laying down His life . Our hearts desire is to love Him more and know Him more so that we can serve Him better as we ultimately prepare to be His brides.
Lyrics: That I may know Him by Kayode Olusoji
Verse 1
All things that were gain to me
Those I counted loss for Christ
I have suffered the loss of all things
And do count them but dung
Still I have not yet reached my goals
I’m still moving forward
That I may know Him
I count not myself to have apprehended
But this one thing I do
Forgetting those things which are behind
Reaching forth to those things which are before
I press towards the mark
That I may know Him
Than I’ve ever known
Verse 2
I want to know Him
And the power of His resurrection
I have not my own righteousness
But that which is of God
Though I have not already attained
But I follow after
That I may know Him
I count not myself to have apprehended
But this one thing I do
Forgetting those things which are behind
Reaching forth to those things which are before
I press towards the mark
That I may know Him
Than I’ve ever known
Repeat chorus
Reprise: Than I’ve ever known
The song is written by Kayode Olusoji and produced by Tunji Dada.
Twitter: @Kayode_Olusoji @Moji_Olusoji
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