Home News & Events Brother Ransome Int’l Ministries Launches Realms Of Rhema Daily Devotional, Prayer &...

Brother Ransome Int’l Ministries Launches Realms Of Rhema Daily Devotional, Prayer & Scriptural Guide


Realms Of Rhema is an online daily devotional, prayer and scriptural guide produced and made easily accessible by Rhemaworld Network Inc, an outfit of Brother Ransome Int’l Ministries and through the generous gifts and offerings of our partners.

Realms of RhemaRealms Of Rhema is a gift to the body of Christ and it is aimed and prayerfully orchestrated to bring life changing experience to everyone who comes in contact with it. Every edition has been packaged to enhance your growth and development and also to position you for monumental harvests and success throughout the year.

Realms of Rhema is designed to help you to meditate on God’s Word, develop a consistent prayer life and set you on course for all blessings in each day. It will teach you to know how to confess God’s Word and guide you daily with application and also lead you on how to ensure that the results of the Word gains ascendancy in your life with evident testimonies.

The Devotional will help you to read the entire Bible with one year reading plan or in two years with the two years reading plan or split your reading portions into two parts – morning and evening.

As a gift to the body of Christ, permission is given to churches, Christian organizations and individual believer to copy excerpts and make use of contents, but Realms of Rhema Devotionals must be acknowledged as the source.

Realms of Rhema devotionals, prayers and scriptural guide will be available and accessible anywhere from 12am (GMT+1) each day on realmsofrhema.com

We invite you to come and partake in God’s glorious presence right from the comfort of where you are, get ready to take God’s word on the go and be inspired to bless the day and help others bless theirs.

You can become a partner or volunteer today by choosing to be our major #ROR Online Distributor by sharing and reposting each day devotionals to several social media network platforms – Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Instagram, Tumblr, Blackberry Messengers, Whatsapp etc.

#ROR … We Bless The Day!

 Sms/Whatsapp: +2347059546314

E-Mail: realmsofrhema@gmail.com

 Twitter:  @realmsofrhema


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