Home Selah Fashion SelahAfrik 5 Most Fashionable Male Personalities | Cast Your Vote!

SelahAfrik 5 Most Fashionable Male Personalities | Cast Your Vote!


It’s Honeydew here again and today, I am going to be taking on my SelahAfrik 5 Most Fashionable Male Personalities for 2014. These are men we have debated, argued and laughed about that they deserved to be on the list. So, without further ado, let’s get into it!

Frank Edwards

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Frank Edwards is one of the most successful Gospel artistes. Not Just successful but talented and dang! the brother can dress up! From latest urban Fashion styles; retro, to dapper looks, Frank has killed it all year round!

Joe Praize

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Ever smiling Joe Praize may lead a simple lifestyle, travelling the world but his fashion speaks volume! He is deliberate about his haircuts, gadgets, accessories and they complement his outfits perfectly.

Obiora Obiwon

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The perfect gentleman. Obiwon calmness reminds me of the courtesy of characters in William Shakespear’s Renaissance era. His fashion style is clean cut as well. He rocked a few denims at some places — also in his video during the year and he made it work!

Grand Komanda

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Grand Komanda is good looking either in traditional, denims, blazers or suits. He stands on stage and looks like a million buck… and oh, did I say he is good looking?

Sammie Okposo

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Sammie Okposo really upped his style this year. Not only did he released materials non- stop, he also spoiled himself a little with the latest of his addition to his toys (cars). He gets it right with his gadgets and accessories as well.

Last year, we needed you to help us decide who gets the number one spot although we have already selected our Top 5.  We will like to give our readers the opportunity to decide their 5 Most Fashionable Female Gospel personalities this year and we will leave the polls open till the 28th of December when we will announce what you have decided. The list is inexhaustible but we have input as much names as we can and given the option for you to include your choice if not on the list.

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Written by Honeydew Amos


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